Hey everyone,
Just a quick update.. I know I’ve been away and not keeping this up-to-date.. but things over the last few days have been super hectic. Thanks for the e-mails pushing for me to feel ashamed and update here!
I’m currently in NY, attending the United Nations Youth High-Level Meeting today and tomorrow.. and there is a lot of things going on around that.
I promise I will post something more detailed about it later.. But for now, while I’m heading down to the UN building to sort out accreditation issues..
I’m just want to invite whoever is around to come along for the two side-events I’m speaking today!
The first one is at 1:15-2:30 pm – @ Conference Room C, NLB: and is called: “How to mobilize youth globally to support the goals of Rio 2012 Summit?” organized by Peace Child International and TakingITGlobal.
And the second, is later on at 18:15-19:45 – @ Conference Room 7, NLB: and is called: “Intergenerational approaches to climate action: highlighting local solutions” organized by Earth Child Institute, UNICEF, UNEP, Brookings Institute and the WAGGGs.. where I will be sharing a bit about the experience with Unite 4 Climate Zambia!
And, later on today there will be the Latin American Youth Caucus at the Pod Hotel, at 8PM.