2011 is coming to an end.. definitely one of the most amazing years I’ve been fortunate to have.. so many things happened, so many things changed in my life.. that I look back, and I really struggle to believe that only a year has gone by since I open my arms to embrace 2011 as the new year beginning…
I was going to try making a little text about what went on this year.. but I guess those guys at Google did a better job that I would ever do.. so here goes…
I want to thank A LOT everything that happened this year in my life.. the incredible moments, the places, the smells, the tastes, the colors, the sounds, the memories.. and specially the people. Every single person that was part of my incredible year and contribute to making it special and unique!
I wish everyone an incredible 2012… even more exciting, fulfilling and unforgettable as 2011 has been…
And bring 2012 on.. cause I’m ready!!!